*pledges are non refundable
Help us create content that you want.
Greenlit Projects
When you call during Meditation Part 2
Type: Video
Pledge #:9222022
Sponsor: EVCA
Movie Night: No
Bold Pledge
- Downloadable, Ad free version of the project
- Boost project in priority list
- Special Thanks in Credits
Daring Pledge
- All previous perks
- Drastically improve production quality.
- Executive Producer Status
- Heavily Influence what this project becomes
- You will be notified of every film date and have access to any set.
Sponsor: A continuation of the dramatic tale.
Shweems Animated Shorts
Type: Video
Pledge #:9222022
Sponsor: EVCA
Movie Night: No
Bold Pledge
- Downloadable, Ad free version of the project
- Boost project in priority list
- Special Thanks in Credits
Daring Pledge
- All previous perks
- Create your very own character inside the Scheem world.
Executive Pledge
- All previous perks
- Drastically improve production quality.
- Executive Producer Status
- Heavily Influence what this project becomes
- You will be notified of every film date and have access to any set.
Celestial Pledge
- All previous perks
- We will turn your idea into a Shweem Animation!!
-You will receive a Shweem collectable figure.
Sponsor: Remeber Shweems? Well they are back and ready for more!
Real Producers [5 episodes]
Type: Video
Pledge #:
Sponsor: EVCA
Movie Night: Yes
Bold Pledge
- Downloadable, Ad free version of the project
- Boost project in priority list
-Ticket to Movie Night
- Special Thanks in Credits
Daring Pledge
- All previous perks
-Early Access to know what this project is.
- Reserved Seating to Movie Night
Executive Pledge
- All previous perks
- Drastically improve production quality.
- Executive Producer Status
- You will be notified of every film date and have access to any set.
-You can review script and add to it.
Sponsor: [placeholder text]
8 Year Old Boy Book
Type: Video
Pledge #:
Sponsor: EVCA
Movie Night: No
Bold Pledge
- Downloadable, Ad free version of the project
- Boost project in priority list
- Special Thanks in Credits
Daring Pledge
- All previous perks
-Early Access to know what this project is.
- Drastically improve production quality.
- Executive Producer Status
Sponsor: [placeholder text]
City of David
Type: Video
Pledge #:
Sponsor: EVCA
Movie Night: No
Bold Pledge
- Downloadable, Ad free version of the project
- Boost project in priority list
- Special Thanks in Credits
Daring Pledge
- All previous perks
-Early Access to know what this project is.
- Drastically improve production quality.
- Executive Producer Status
Sponsor: [placeholder text]